crowborough web design
Website design
web site hosting and
search engine optimisation
Crowborough Web Design is a friendly design company based in Crowborough in East Sussex
We can advise on, and look after on your behalf, every aspect of setting up a new website. Starting from choosing a domain name and setting up and using email addresses, we can help with designing and building your site, to finally launching your site on the internet and optimising it for inclusion in search engine results.
We design for clients in London, Sussex, Surrey and Kent, and of course, Crowborough. Naturally, we are creative and enthusiastic and we certainly aim to be affordable.
If you are considering having your first website designed and built, please explore this site to find out more. We are always pleased to discuss your requirements and answer questions, either in person or by telephone or email.

Website design
Between us we have a wealth of experience in web design, and we will work with you personally to ensure an end product that is right for you and your budget. We will discuss your ideas, answer your questions, advise, and design a site to meet your requirements. The initial design we submit will be a basis for discussion with you, and using your feedback we will adapt and amend the design to arrive at a design you feel correctly represents you and your company.
Naturally our prices vary depending on the amount of work involved. Our prices start with an entry-level content manageable web site of a handful of pages at around £1075. Each site is individual, so we will quote you prior to starting work on your site, so you know what you’ll be paying without any nasty surprises. Feel free to contact us today and have a chat about what you’re after.
Site maintenance and updating
After its creation, your site can be updated as often as you require. This can be done by us, but the majority of sites that we create can be updated by you or your staff in your browser using a simple interface with no need to understand web technology. The maintenance of the server your site is on, and the updating of security and software on that web server is also handled by us.
Web site domain name registration
A domain name is your address on the internet, for your website and your email addresses. If you do not already have a domain name, we can advise on suitable names, check domain name availability, register domains and administer domains on your behalf. The registration process is virtually instant. Typically we can check domain name availability, discuss alternatives where necessary, and purchase and register domain(s) whilst talking with you in person or on the telephone. When purchasing domain names for you, we always register them in your name.
You are paying for your domain so you should be the owner of it. This also means that control is in your hands, not ours. We will nominate ourselves as administrative and technical contacts, in order to run the domain and sort out any technical issues on your behalf, but the ultimate ownership and control is yours. This is something you should insist on when any third party buys a domain on your behalf.

Moving domain names
Where necessary we can take over the control of existing domains, or transfer control from ourselves to another company or individual. Unlike many companies we make no charges for transfers in or out, and we will always act to facilitate transfers. You may however receive a charge from your current supplier when transferring out, and should contact them for their terms and conditions. Our only condition for transfer out is that if any monies are owing to us, they are paid in full before we release the domain.
Website hosting
Once you have bought a domain name, and have your website designed, built and ready to use, it needs a home and address on the internet in order to be viewable. This is website hosting. A quick look around the internet reveals a multitude of companies offering hosting, and a huge range of costs and options.
Our standard hosting package includes up to 2Gb fast web space with unlimited bandwidth. This specification is more than adequate for most web sites, and our platform supports PHP, HTML, and various popular packages such as WordPress. This specification is more than adequate for most web sites. Our web hosting hardware is securely housed in state-of-the-art data centres. With tightly-controlled access, uninterruptible power and multiple points of connection, your data stays safe and your websites are constantly available.
Our charges are £200 per year for most sites, and included in this is basic telephone and email support. The very inexpensive hosting offered by many companies is functional but is normally wholly unsupported, and it assumes you have a level of expertise to manage your site yourself. Also, available support is generally on premium rate phone lines. All calls to us are standard rate.
If your requirements are for something requiring much more power (perhaps a site with particularly heavy traffic), we can also offer dedicated servers.

Office 365 for email
We are authorised resellers of Microsoft’s Office 365. This means you can have all the benefits of an Exchange server, but cloud based, so without the expense of having to buy your own server. This means your email is available on any device, anywhere you are connected to the internet, and always synchronised across your devices and backed up. Perfect for professionals working in different locations (office, site, home etc). Prices for Office 365 email start from £4.50 per month. We can also offer you licences for the full version of the Microsoft Office Suite starting from £9.40 per month including Office 365 email.
Contact us to discuss your requirements and to find out more.
Web site analysis and SEO
Every visit to your web space is monitored and logged. Using basic server statistics, you are able to view and analyse the data that builds up about your visitors, and you can use this to refine your advertising and marketing spend and direction.
For instance, you can see how many visitors your site receives, what search phrases they have used, where they have come to your site from (the referring site), which page they came to first, which page they left your site from, and much more.
A popular site visitor analysis tool to do this analysis is Google Analytics. We can set up a Google Analytics account on your behalf, and you then have full access to the statistics this provides.
We are always available to help and advise with the use and application of site statistics
Search engine optimisation (SEO)
Once a site has been built and uploaded to its home on the internet, the next task is to ensure your potential clients can find it. This is search engine optimisation. In order for your site to rank well in Google or other search engine results, the site needs to be optimised for the products or services you are offering. There are many aspects to this, but there are essentially two main points to look at – the content of your web pages, and the people linking to your web site.
Part of the process of creating each web site we build includes a basic optimisation of the site for the key words and phrases that your potential clients will be using to find your services. The choice of these keywords and phrases is made in consultation with you, and we will build these into the site in a variety of ways. We will discuss with you how the text of your site could be phrased to achieve better results, and work with you to get the best results.
Pay per click advertising
Pay per click advertising (PPC) is a search engine marketing technique that we sometimes recommend, especially with new sites, to help get fast results. To get a site noticed in search engine listings (sometimes called organic listings) can take time. The search engines continually read and revisit every page and site, and continually revise their rankings. However, there are now many billions of web pages, and the process can take weeks or months to show results.
PPC, using a Google Adwords account or perhaps Facebook pay per click, is something you can set up and manage yourself, or we can manage one on your behalf. An advertising account is created and then an advert is prepared containing keywords and phrases relating to your business, services and products.
The essence of this method is that you pay an agreed sum (to Google or the ad provider) each time someone clicks on your sponsored link and goes to your website. If the link is displayed but not clicked on, there is no charge.
The amount you spend is completely under your control, in terms either of the actual cost per click, or a predetermined maximum daily or monthly spend. Once funds are exhausted the advert is removed until either the next day or month, or until you decide to increase the spend limit for the period. You can vary the amount for each word or phrase, and can edit the settings and costs as frequently as required. There is no long term contract and you can stop the advert whenever you no longer need or want it.
Generally once your site ranks well in the organic listings, the pay per click advertising can be lessened or made more specialised.
Contact us
email us:
call us:
01435 868606 (Brendon)
01435 868911 (Robert)
We’re always happy to discuss any potential projects and to provide a clear guideline on price and ongoing costs of running a site.
If you have any questions about design, hosting, email or anything related, feel free to give us a call or email us.
We’ll try to answer your questions in a clear, jargon-free way, as quickly as we can.